Animas River Surfers

Animas River Surfers

Meeting Minutes


Call to Order

Amanda Kiessel called a meeting for Animas River Surfers at 7:00 p.m. on 9/10/2024 at 2275 W 3rd Ave.

Roll Call

Amanda Kiessel, Kory Samson, Dan Connet, Darren Cioppa, David Lamson, Jonathan Jourdane, Davis Capaccioli, Paul Galido, Jay, Erin Hughes, Stephanie Fleming

Open Issues and Discussion Points

  1. Introduction of new faces at meeting
  2. Prepare for pushback
  3. Who should we be prepared to hear from? Commercial down water interests. Raft companies. Non-river users. Anglers. Can Ben Cross make contact?
  4. Follow example from pickle ball
  5. How can we show the city council that there is an interest?
  6. Silent auction ideas
  7. How can we get community partners on the website?
  8. Website, online banking, Stripe, Square, PayPal, and Venmo are all now active
  9. Erin to discuss the Valkyrie Relay beer booth. Accepting donations for beer donated by SKA. Sign up for newsletter, possible volunteers: 11:30 show up. Won’t sell beer until noon.
  10. Telegraph article is coming up soon
  11. Potential grants?
    1. Visit Durango potential 70K 2. LPEA grant
    2. GoCo
    3. EDA
    4. Gold King Mine money
  12. Donors to match funds
    1. Golf tournaments

New Business and Call to Action

  1. Dan will get pictures, reach out to Ben Cross, going to river cleanup – a give away? b. Darren learn about blog and website from Kory and consolidate media stuff
  2. David – Silverton event on the 13th
  3. Get involved with the Hive and SOS
  4. Reach out to the train
  5. Finish Board Member assignments at the next meeting
  6. Who wants to take on the communication & email list? – we need a calendar for marketing emails. Fundraising emails on calendar. Mailer list triggered by different things
  7. All members – Represent the cause – put stickers out there – wear the hats… etc… i. Compliance maintenance – Jonathan dates of tax payments, filing due dates, etc
  8. We need a short promotional video – need footage. Get people excited about it and also stories about building waves in other towns. Ryler Overhand is doing videos and pictures for Valkyrie. We can use some of the footage.
  9. Alex populate events calendar for events we can show up to and come up with counter arguments for


Amanda Kiessel adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.

Minutes submitted by: Stephanie Fleming

Minutes approved by: Amanda Kiessel